It's totally easy and free now to learn music especially in this day and age where internet is accessible and available everywhere. YouTube, Google and Facebook among others created a very nice venue for student and music teachers. During my time, it's very difficult to access, learn and visualize music. No MTV, no FM station, no tabs.... totally nothing apart from what cassette you bought or shared to you. Today, you got online radio, you got videos on YouTube and no more cassette only iTunes, iPod, tablets, iPad, android and a lot more electronic devices.
With that said, to those who are semi traditional like me there's still something for us like Kindle, or ebooks where you can read through your electronic devices some books about music. That's why I made this article here because I came across some easy to learn ebook on music i.e. learning the guitar or piano.
Here are some of the titles and available online which is a PDF format meaning you'll need Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer, laptop, tablet, iPhone, android, iPad, etc. I suppose Kindle already got it because it's an ebook-ready device or it's got an eReader.
1. Master the guitar in 7 days
2. Playing piano (beginners guide to playing the piano)
3. Learn to play piano
4. Teach yourself how to play the guitar overnight

5. Learn 2 play the guitar
6. Learn the guitar (beginners guide to playing the guitar)
7. How to play the guitar like a pro
And last but not the least.... my favourite and top ebook to learn guitar/music is
8. Guitar chords and scales
This one for me is an all year round ebook on guitar and from beginners to advanced guitar players this ebook is really helpful. I enjoyed reading this and having this book as reference as well as practise guide.

Here are some of the titles and available online which is a PDF format meaning you'll need Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer, laptop, tablet, iPhone, android, iPad, etc. I suppose Kindle already got it because it's an ebook-ready device or it's got an eReader.
1. Master the guitar in 7 days
2. Playing piano (beginners guide to playing the piano)
3. Learn to play piano
4. Teach yourself how to play the guitar overnight

5. Learn 2 play the guitar
6. Learn the guitar (beginners guide to playing the guitar)
7. How to play the guitar like a pro
And last but not the least.... my favourite and top ebook to learn guitar/music is

This one for me is an all year round ebook on guitar and from beginners to advanced guitar players this ebook is really helpful. I enjoyed reading this and having this book as reference as well as practise guide.