Barbie Almalbis and other Musicians/relatives of hers organized an event which was held in a Bodega or Warehouse and this was like an indoor woodstock concert. A lot of the bands played, which again I couldn't remember each one of them but we played there as Frozbyte and then I think Barbie's band was called Chaotic Silverfish if Im not mistaken that time.
The venue was all right, however, the sound system wasn't that good or impressive maybe because it was indoor or maybe it's just that we were the first band to play and the sound tech/operator was still getting a grip of the equipments i.e. mixers, amps, etc.... Anyways, the gig was successful though because the bands played all well in their own right.
The event was covered by a local cable network, ALTO cable, which normally when there's concerts and events they're the ones who covers the show. Hope, ALTO still got a copy of those good old memories.
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